Monday, December 13, 2010

My Week could not have started any better!

Last week... What...???
It's gone and boy I could not have wished for a better start to my week.
After last week I NEEDED this.
I am in charge of the book fairs at the kid's school.
I set it up on Friday with the help of a couple of wonderful
 Mom's and today was our first offical day of our buy one get one free book fair.
{Hey, if you still need Christmas gifts stop by! wink!}
Every parent that signed up was there, the teachers were happy
 about their tour times, and no one stole or broke anything!!!!!
I mean really...... It was a wonderful start to my day!!!
Oh, I LOVE books... I love getting books in the hands of children...
That is why I do this every year. It is VERY important to me.
Since starting the program back up at the school we have been able to get
teacher's LOTS of books, weekly readers, and books for students
 who do not have them in their homes.
I know that my schedule is crazy BUT this is SOOOO worth it!!!

Then we came home to.....
This surprise in the mail deserves an entire post all of it's own.
(Sandi.... tears really.....I just can't believe it!)
But until then I will give you a sneak peak of  one of the awesome
 looks that was gifted to us from Matilda Jane. 

Then if my day could not get any better it was topped off with good friends and service.
Does it get any better than that???
Uncle Bill is still in the rehab facility and we all love and miss him at church.
So, we decided that we would pack up our little ones and go caroling.
All of the kidos that came to sing!!!

True Story: The rehab facility is across the street from "Bubba's" Hospital. We were the first ones to get there amd we waited at the corner for our friends to arrive. Bubba was so EXCITED to see "HIS" hospital. He was smilling and yelling at it the entire time we sat at the corner. Only Bubba would be this excited to see a hospital! :) 
Uncle Bill with all the girls!!!
Doesn't he look so much better than Thanksgiving??
I sure think so!!! 
Alison played the violin and we all sang..... 

and gave LOTS and LOTS..... 
of HUGS!!!!

WAHOOO for a good start to the week!!!!


Anonymous said...

julie, what a wonderful way to teach children to give service. im sure uncle bill just loved every moment of this... what rehab center is he in? we would love to go and visit him as well. :)

Rochelleht said...

Can I live vicariously through your week? That's AWESOME!

Maw and Paw said...

You make my heart swell! You are so special and thoughtful! I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week! Love you so much...Maw