Saturday I had to work, taking pictures of beautiful people, such a hard job! Hubs took the kids to see Uncle Bill and then they did a little shopping. {no pictures.... hubs will NOT take pictures.... I think I torture him} I got done with my first shoot and got to come home to a quite home.... WHAT!!! ... a quite home!!! I KNOW!!!! I took full advantage of this time... I vacumed with out holding Bubba, swept with out holding Bubba, folded laundry with out holding Bubba... ok, you get the picture. It was NICE! I can't remember the last time Bubba went to school and I had a quite home or empty arms. Later that day we ran to Costco. Bubba LOVES the cold room at Costco, LOVES it!!
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
-- Robert Brault
It was AWESOME to see Bubba LOVING that good ol' cold room. :)
Saturday night Hubs and I got a Date Night Baby!!!! Thank you Nana and Pa Pa!!! It was very much needed and so wonderful!!! :) Sunday Bubba was feeling good and we were able to go to Church as a family!! WAHOO!!! Jason and I have been having to take turns with this one. It was wonderful because Hubs was getting set apart in his new calling at church and I was grateful we could all be there to support him. :)
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much." (Mother Teresa)
After Church Cousin Andrea came home with us and the girls got to have lunch and play together. I LOVE that Regan has a cousin so close to grow up with. :)
I kept thinking last night that today would for sure be a hard one.... I mean seriously, could it really be possible to have three good days in a row for Bubba? But then when I woke up to this....
and this....
I knew it was going to be another good day!!!! :)
To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.
-- Barbara Bush

I am not sure what tomorrow will bring {ok, yes I do.. more dr. apts} BUT today was a good day and that is all that I can ask for!!! This weekend has been a such a sweet and loving gift from God to our family. It was just what we needed. No big trip to Disney {Bubba is not up to that yet} but we were happy!! We did not worry about tomorrow... next week..... or a month from now, if we would have done that we would have missed out on some pretty awesome memories. To most people these awesome memories might have seemed... typical... unspecial.... or even boring BUT to us they were magical! :) Be grateful. Every day is a new canvas—a new opportunity. Our beloved President Gordon B. Hinckley has said: “My plea is that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life, we ‘accentuate the positive.’ I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort” I am grateful for our hard and trying days. If it were not for these days I don't know that I would be as grateful for the good ones.
Yay! Made my day hearing how good Bubba is doing and what a great weekend you had!!!!
And this is just what we were praying for! Prayers of gratitude now for God's wonderful reply to those prayers! Still praying for those good days to continue, keeping those two adorable kids smiling!
I LOVE THE sweet.....and I absolutely needed to read the quote from President Hinkley! Thank you for sharing!
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