Saturday, February 20, 2010

Let's go fly a kite.....

Daddy made a promise to his little soon as I wake up in the morning we will make your kite.

Little did Daddy know how sick Mommy was going to get and what an awful night he was going to have with Bubba. So, when Regan came into the room at 6:30am and asked "is it time to make my kite?" Daddy told her that she would have to wait just a little bit. She continued to go into our room every thirty minutes..... "is it time yet??" Mommy got up with Bubba when he started to cough and let Daddy stay in bed since he was up with Bubba all night and tried to let Mommy get some sleep. Regan then started asking Mommy..."When is Daddy gonna get up??" Daddy did wake up and the first thing that he did with his little girl was make a kite. Not just any kite but a Tinker Bell kite that she got with Nana and Papa on one of Collin's bad days. She has been looking forward to flying this kite since the day she brought it home.

Mommy and Bubba were very tired but we wanted to watch them fly this wonderful new kite. So, we all piled in Mommy's van and headed down the street to a local school.

Daddy and Regan tried over and OVER.... but it just wasn't working.
Bubba and Mommy cheered from the side BUT it just didn't seem to work.
That is when the playground equipment looked a little bit more appealing than the kite.

Regan also thought it was fun to RUN Bubba around the playground. :) Bubba thought it was fun too.

Daddy was sad that their attempts had not worked out so well. Not wanting to let his little girl down Daddy said "how about we go to the beach and fly your kite" So, we all got back in Mommy's van and headed a little down the road in the other direction.

BUT it was too windy at the beach and it just wasn't working there either.
That is when the sand and sea shell collecting became more appealing than the kite.
Eventually we packed it up and called it a day. No, I don't think that the kite flying was a huge success BUT I think Daddy knew what he was doing. She might not remember how high the kite got that day BUT I think she will remember all of the fun that we had as a family with her Tinker Bell kite.

1 comment:

Palmyra said...

You are such an active mom Julie! You are amazing! This post made me want to go fly a kite, even if it never gets up too high! ;)