Wednesday, March 4, 2009
This weekend has been trying in so many ways. It has been physically and mentally exhausting. Collin got a simple flu. Yes, that is how this all started with a simple flu BUT for children with TTD nothing is "simple". I went out Thursday night with a friend and when I got home Jason was sick. Collin had a hard night that night and since Jason was sick I was the one up with him. The next day Jason was still sick but everyone else was doing fine. When Collin got home from school it started. He was at the computer and he started vomiting. I cleaned him up and he didn't seem to bothered by it. To be honest vomit and pain are a daily occurrence for him, so I dismissed it. Then a little bit latter he started having seizures. Oh, what a night. Jason, was sick, Collin was having seizures, and sweet Regan was just running around worried about everyone. Luckily, Kara stopped by to drop something off. When she realized what was going on she volunteered to pick us up some dinner. How could I turn down one of my favorite restaurants... subway! wink! THANK YOU!!! The low part of the night was when I finally got Collin to relax and fall asleep after giving him an injection of Valium. Then Regan starts screaming out of the bathroom... "Mom I went poo come wipe my bum!!!" Jason was fast asleep not feeling well and I had Collin in my arms. Yes, and this is just the beginning!!! wink! Saturday Collin seemed to be doing OK. He was out of it but that is to be expected because of the heavy medication front he night before. We took it easy and Jason and I even went out on a date with friends while his parents babysat. Sunday rolled around and we went to church. Collin was not doing well so I went home with him. Shortly after we got home I knew something was not right. My mom got here Sunday afternoon and what a blessing it was to have her here. Sunday night was awful!!! Collin woke up in extreme pain, followed by seizures, high fever, and he could not breath well. The worst was the pain. Collin has a VERY high tolerance for pain. His teacher didn't even know that he fractured his foot at school because he didn't cry once. The last time I heard my baby cry like that was when he was getting a spinal tap. It is the most heart breaking thing for a mother to feel so helpless. At around 2 am Jason told me to tell my mom that we were going to take him to the hospital. The last thing we wanted to do was take him to the hospital. It is the worst place for a sick kid. Collin has a weakened immune system. So, when he is sick and has to go in it becomes much more serious after he catches several other things. Jason gave him a blessing and we tried one more medication. It seemed to work. Collin was still very much in pain BUT the more serious symptoms were under control. Monday we stayed home all day. Collin was not doing well and we were just working out meds, keeping track of stats, ect. Jason and his father gave him a blessing. Oh, I am so grateful for the priesthood!!!! Monday night was rough. Nights are always the hardest for him even on a good day. On Tuesday Collin was looking better but was VERY weak. Any time I put him down and he would try to stand he would get tremors and/ or fall. So, I had to keep him in his chair until he regained his strength. I HATE doing this to him. As he continued to perk up but was still weak my mom and I decided that what he needed was a good dose of his favorite medication. Yes, we took him to Disney for a bit. I know what you are thinking.... she is crazy. I can't explain it. I was desperate..... to see your child in so much pain and not be able to do anything to distract him or take away from it. Well, all I can say is that I hope you don't ever have to go through it. As crazy as it seems Disney was good. It perked up his spirits and we even got some good smiles out of him. When we got home I had a very sweet gift waiting for me on my front porch... a bottle of Diet Coke. THANK YOU Kendal. You are such a sweet heart. You have no idea how much I needed it! By this point I had been five days with no sleep and went to Disney on top of it. Tuesday night was hard but not as bad as the others. Today I just kept him home with me and we cuddled. (I have left out the bad stuff... no need for that) I knew I was tired but I didn't realize how very tired I was until I ran to the bank after Jason got home. The nice guy was asking where Collin was ,everyone loves Collin! I told him that Collin was sick. He than told me how much he touches him and that he would be praying for him. I started crying. Yes, poor guy probably thought I was crazy. Collin is looking up!!!!!!!! THANK YOU to all of you that have been praying for him. He is such a trooper. He truly is my HERO!!!! (I hope that this made some since...in my tired random ramblings!!!!.... BIG HUGS!!!)

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Look at that sad, pink bow! In all seriousness, I'm glad Collin is doing better. Try to catch up on sleep one of these days, won't you? Maybe next time our girls night out should include a massage!
I am glad to hear he is doing better. I have been thinking about you and the family a lot lately. Last night we had the RS birthday dinner for our 2 wards and it was on heroes. You are mine.
I'm so glad he is doing better. I'm crying again. You are such an inspiration! If you need anything, I am always down for bringing you dinner or doing dishes or something. SERIOUSLY, please call me. I'd love to help. It's the least I can do for all the cute bows :)
You have such amazing friends Julie! I'm so glad that you have such a great support system to help you through these hard times. I'm so sorry for those hard days that Collin and Jason were sick, I cannot begin to imagine what that is like. You are always in my prayers. :) Hugs to you!
I'm so glad he's doing better. I've kept you guys in my prayers. He is such a special little guy, and I learn from him from the things you write. You are an inspiration, too.
Oh, I'm SO sorry you've been through all that this week Julie. Gosh, I don't really get the chance to check these blogs like I used to. You totally knew Collin was having a rough day on Sunday. I wondered where he went and how you were doing. I'm sorry I didn't call to see how you all were doing.
What an AMAZING MOM you are! How BRAVE and STRONG Collin is! And Regan, so ANGELIC. Jason, you really carry it all too-you all give everything you've got to keep your children safe, taken care of, and smiling. I'm so glad to hear your whole family is doing better.
I am glad that Collin is starting to feel better! The power of the priesthood and the power of prayer are so amazing! I'm glad that you were able to keep him out of the hospital and all those germs that hang out there. He remains in our prayers.
(((hugs))) for the rough time. You always amaze me with your positive and loving attitude...My Dad lives on Diet Coke, too, with all the ups and downs of me and Danielle. I hope the next week is better.
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