Do you ever have those moments when you say "Oh, I shouldn't have said that out loud!" On Friday we were happy because Collin was doing really good! So, I made the mistake... I said it out loud. We decided to pick Bubba up from school and head right to Disney Land to have some fun and celebrate! It was so sweet the second we headed down the exit to enter into the Disney entrance Collin threw his hands up in the air and started just yelling with the biggest smile on his face. We got on the tram, still big smile. Then we went on the Buzz ride, still big smile. We got off and started walking to our next fav. Then it happened... a woman walked by and she just looked at Collin with this face... I am used to pity, sadness, even a rare disgust BUT this look was very different. So, I quickly looked at Collin and saw vomit in his lap. Yes... I said vomit. Collin had started having seizures. As soon as Regan saw what was happening she started crying. "Mommy I don't want to leave! Mommy I don't want Bubba to be sick again!" I took him to the bathroom, cleaned him up, and his Daddy carried him all the way to the car. Then we got to the car and Regan starts crying yet again because I want her to sit in the back so that I can have her seat to sit in with Collin. We found a Lolly pop and put her in Collin's car seat.... that seemed to work. Collin passed out in my arms and I had to make sure that he continued to breath... ect. So, if you are thinking I was a bad mom by holding him and not putting him in his car seat .. well, I AM NOT!! wink! Regan made a couple of sweet and funny comments.
"Mommy if the Police see you they will take you and Bubba and put you in Jail! Mommy they don't have baby jar food in Jail!!!!"
"Daddy Keep your eyes out for those stinkin' cops we can't let them catch us!"
"Daddy drive safe Bubba doesn't have a car seat!!!!!!!!"
"Mommy did you say a prayer?"
Daddy did manage to save the day for Regan. After they dropped Collin and I off at home and made sure we were OK they headed out. He took her to go and get the new Pinocchio movie that she has been begging us for. He also took her to get dinner just the two of them. She is such an amazing sister. I can't imagine how hard this must be for her at times..... Just another day.
At the end of the day all I could think was.....
Dear God, please give me the strength to endure my blessings.
Some time I have to remind myslef that despite how hard days like these are.... they are a blessing. We have lost many TTD kids. Each and every single day is a blessing.

(((hugs))) & prayers for the whole family.
You guys are just the sweetest/cutest little family. Oh those Bubba and sweet Reagan stories just melt my heart over and over again. I LOVE that families are forever picture of you guys on your side-bar.
Amazing parents make amazing kids. You're all amazing. I am going to share this experience with my own kids - as an example of sibling love.
Love you, Julie.
Aw, that sucks. Love you guys! Send Regan over to play anyday... LOL.
Sending lots of hugs and prayers your way.
I don't know how you do it without have a breakdown! I am sure you do but you are so strong! Hopefully he will start feeling better soon! you are in my prayers.
Bless you Julie. You are amazing. Always in my prayers. Big hugs. :)
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