Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Last night was a hard one.
I was called to pick Bubba up from school early because he wasn't feeling well. Then Regan found out..... jealous!!! So, then we fought over homework for two hours. This task would most days only take 15-20 minutes. She said she kept saying that she didn't feel well. Then there was a knock at the door. It was Bubba's nurse's supervisor. I had completely forgotten that she was coming over to asses Bubba. The dinning table was a mess. I was a mess!!! After she left Bubba started to vomit. Jason was working late and missed all of this fun. wink! Then Bubba had a hard BAD night. As I sat up with him in the living room I could hear Regan coughing in her bedroom. So, when morning came and Regan told me she didn't feel well, I didn't fight it. I let her stay home from school with Bubba and I. I had a feeling that she wasn't "really" sick but it was pouring outside and the thought of taking her to school and having to get my sick boy and his wheelchair in and out of the car in the rain to take Regan to school.... well, it was daunting. Regan is getting better with her school issues but we are not to a point where I could just pull up and drop her off. So, I gave in. I was feeling overwhelmed and a little defeated from last night, then I heard Bubba laughing. I looked in the dinning room to see him playing ball all by himself. This might seem like such a simple thing to you but for Bubba this was HUGE. First off, he doesn't play by himself often. Secondly, he was throwing the ball and then bunny hoping around the room to collect it only to then throw it again. As I watching him play such a simple game by himself the tears started to well in my eyes. All I needed was this one simple thing to completely change my attitude, my day. It was beautiful.

{Regan was so excited about this as well that she had to get in on the action with him.}


Foursons said...

Sorry to hear you had such a rough night. What a blessing sweet Bubba is though. I know how the sound of my kids giggling can change my whole outlook on life.

Rachel said...

Oh their smiles get me every time!

So glad you had that blessing of Bubba just having a blast (and sis joining in!)

Can I please play hooky at your house - it looks like loads of fun!

Kristi said...

Isn't just amazing how one simple thing can change us in a heartbeat. Your children truly are a blessing, and once again, I marvel at your strength. It's hard to not have any sleep! Good luck to you, and give those sweet kids a squeeze!