Last night I laid in Bubba’s twin bed snuggling him as he struggled to get comfortable. I sat there and just watched him, taking in every little piece of him. I kissed his face at least a millions times before I feel asleep next to him. Hubs woke me up at 3am insisting that I come to bed. My arm was in pain from holding him but when I went to pull it out from under him he began to stir. Something about having my arm there made things a little easier on him. I climbed into bed next to my best friend and before I knew I was fast asleep only to be woken by Bubba crying out in discomfort. I scooped him up, wires and all, and nestled him right next to me, between Hubs and I. Once again, he was sound asleep as he lay on my right arm while I held him. This morning Hubs woke up and took Regan to school and let me sleep in with Bubba so that I could catch up on some much needed sleep. When I woke up there he was…. On my right arm. My arm was tight and hurting but I couldn’t dare move it because he was sleeping so peacefully. It got me thinking about how grateful I am to have Heavenly Father in my life. I often compare his love and comfort to the big bear hugs my Dad gives me but this morning I had a new thought. Yes, I have those moments of “bear hugs” but for the most part I think that my sacred and special moments with my Heavenly Father can be compared to him holding me up with his right arm. I know that it must hurt and be painful to watch me as my Momma heart breaks with each new challenge but he does not pull away, he puts his arm out and sweetly comforts me by just being there.
Tonight I am grateful for tender mercies that God shows me in my life and the comfort of his “right arm.”
I love this! I hope you can always feel the comfort of our loving Heavenly Father, just as your sweet Bubba feels your comforting arms around him!
Wiping away a tear for you!As a mom to a Bubba with T.T.D. Myself I know how it is.We love our Bubba's!!!We just have to hold our heads up and keep a smile on our face..It helps to know more people than just me are not going threw these things.Thank God we have Internet so we know we are not by ourselves..I sometimes wonder how it would be if we did not have each other to talk to.Take care and I am always here if you ever need to talk.Our Bubba's will soon be 12!!!wow!!Talk to you soon
tears.....I am so very sorry that your sweet boy has to deal with this. You know my boy sleeps in our bed...and he is comforted by that..and truth be told so am I. Praying for your sweet boy and you. Thank heavens for a loving God.
Having the comfort of someone "bigger than you" is always a secure one. God bless you for finding such beautiful words to give deeper meaning to what Bubba's life and what yours means to you and how it connects to someone bigger.
By reading your blog, I always knew you would give your right arm for Bubba's pain to go away...
God Bless your sweet family,
Karen from Wisconsin
Grateful, that in the midst of this pain, that God allows your touch to be healing and comfort and security to the boy you love.
Grateful that HE never removes His hand from us - will never leave or forsake us.
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