The other day when I was picking Collin up from school this subject came up. There is a sweet sister who comes to school with her brother when the nurse can not come. Her WONDERFUL mother has adopted eight children with disabilities. The teacher and I were telling her what an amazing sister she is and how lucky John is to have her. Then I looked over at Regan playing on the ground with another one of his classmates. I then looked at the sister and asked her “Do you ever wish it was different?” Yes, I know a silly question but this was the hardest part for Jason and I when we decided to have another child… the burden that they would have to carry. She replied “No, not for a second.. Look at her.” while pointing to Regan. “Do you think she would be that compassionate to a “special” child if it weren’t for her brother. I am happy that I don’t know any different.” I was so grateful for her answer. I knew what she would say because she is so devoted and loving to her siblings but I needed to hear it from a sister that has been doing it for twenty years and wouldn’t change it.
When I got home I started watching my sweet kids together. Regan has been VERY affectionate with Collin this week. She is such an amazing sister. She has stepped up to this very hard and demanding role with such a sweet spirit and love for her brother. I can’t believe that I ever questioned what it would do to a future child to be Collin’s sibling. It took us four years to have another child. One because TTD is genetic and two because we were afraid of the burden they would be handed the to them day that they came into this earth. I can not believe that I ever questioned what Collin’s sibling would be like. She is learning to live and love from a perfect example. Collin truly is the definition of the true love of Christ.

Regan will touch so many lives from being blessed to have Colin as a brother. I am so grateful my parents moved out here in 86' and that I was able to spend so much time with my cousin. My Aunt's sacrifice and lessons helped us grow and love all children and not notice the disabilities. We need more people like Regan, Jason and especially you in this world and thanks for being who you are!
What a sweet sister and they are quite the match made in heaven. I once had to give a talk in church on Charity-the pure love of christ and I ended up talking all about Caleb. As hard as it is, I love having a little piece of heaven in my house--most days anyway :)
Regan will certainly have so much to add to this world as she grows. She will always be able to help others with her kean insight and her blessings will abound with her for eternity!
What a special and beautiful family! I love reading your blog! You do such a great job on it!
Heavenly Father certainly knew that Regan would be the perfect sister for Collin. I think it's awesome that she is so sweet, patient and loving with him! I love the pictures you posted of the two of them! That's wonderful that you were able to ask the sibling of a special needs child(ren) how they feel about the experience. I've always wondered how Natalie will feel after she's grown about her experience as a sibling to a special needs child. She too is patient and loving like Regan is. It's great to know that that love and patience will continue and will help her to grow to be an even more special spirit herself. I just love your family and love reading about all your experiences. They always touch my heart and make my day a little brighter!
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