Then we were off to Chuck E Cheese for some B-day fun! Collin LOVES this place! Collin got TONS of bubbles for his b-day!! He was in heaven!
Then it was time for BBQ and more B-day fun. Collin had help from his sister blowing out his candles. Ok, if any of you wonder. We forgot to get candles.. we found a 5 and a 3 so we decided that since they add up to 8 it would work just great! wink!! All of the kids loved the cupcakes if you can't tell!

Then it was time for fireworks! It was a good day. Collin only had one bad part in the middle but he quickly recovered! What a trooper!! I can't believe he is eight years old!! Thanks to everyone that helped us celebrate, sent him presents, cards, and showed him your love!! We are so grateful!! BIG HUGS!!!
Yay! Happy birthday Collin! You are such a cute boy...I'm glad to know you and have you as my friend! :) are just a huge cutie pie! :) Looks like you guys had a fun and eventful weekend!
I enjoyed looking at the pics! It sure looks like y'all had lots of fun for Collin's b-day!
Happy #8 Collin!! I love you!
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