Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A new phase..

in my life has begun.

It is different and a little bit lonely at times. Now that Jason is at work my house is empty and quite in the morning. Don't get me wrong I enjoy it for the most part and get things done so much faster BUT at the same time it is too quite. It has made me stop and think about this new phase that I am in. I have both kids in school all morning and now my best friend is at work all day. I am so grateful that Jason has found work and things will finically be easier but I have to admit that it is going to take some time getting used to not having him around to help me out when I need it. This past week was my first week in this new phase and we stayed busy...

Just the three of us went to Disney Land....
to meet up with Poppie and Coach to
celebrate Coach's birthday.
Regan made sure to give Coach LOTS of
Birthday loves!
We had a blast!!!
On Wednesday Collin and Regan had the day off of school
for Veteran's Day. So, we met up with some friends...
At the Aquarium!
Regan LOVED showing Harrison how to
play with her buddy the sea lion.
Bubba was having a hard day so we had
to leave early. :(
Later we decided to walk down to Target because Collin
was going Crazy in the house. Nothing Regan and I were doing
seemed to help relieve his pain BUT then.....
when we were walking home we rolled over a manhole cover on the side walk and it
made a VERY loud noise. Collin though it was VERY funny!!! After a day of trying so hard
to find his smile and make him feel better it was a manhole cover that did the trick! wink!
(At least I now know for the future!)
On Thursday when I picked Regan up from school she said... "Mommy it is cloudy outside can we please go to the park with Bubba today???" How could I say no. So, we walked down to his class and picked him up and then walked across the street to the park. Collin's favorite thing to do at the park is the slide. No Collin can not walk.... so yes this means that I was having to carry him up and slide down with him OVER and OVER at least a million times wink! Regan LOVED having her Bubba and was wanting to have slide races with him. She loved seeing him laugh so hard every time we reached the bottom of the slide. Collin just LOVED being out!!! I was able to witness a very sweet moment that day. One of Regan's friends that she play with every day after school at the park came up to her and asked her to come play with him. She replied " I am playing with MY BUBBA. If you want to play with me then you have to play with him." I got tears in my eyes. She was so excited and proud to have him there with her. I am so grateful to have a daughter that has an amazing compassion and love for her brother.


Amy said...

Cute pics! And I love Regan's comment to her friend! She is such a sweetie! It's interesting that we have kinda traded places lately. I've had my house to myself for a few years now since both girls are in school. Now that our new baby is here, I'm re-adjusting to not having time to myself during the day. I know it's different for you to have so much time alone, but I also know that you deserve it! You have earned it! You are a wonderful mom who gives so much to her children and I know that they would want you to have a break during the day too. Give Collin and Regan a hug from their TX friends.

Kristi said...

Regan is amazing. You guys have so much fun together. It's too sweet. :) Good luck with all the quiet time. Nathan has been home a lot lately since business is so slow and I get used to him being around so when he's gone before 8am I don't know what to do! We love our husbands don't we?!? They just make life better. :) Hugs!