Sunday, April 5, 2009

By doing small acts of kindness we can do great things!

Yesterday we had our Derby Days 5K run/walk to raise money for Ability First. This is our fifth year raising money for a worthy cause. The first three we did the LA Marathon for the Jr. Blind of America. Last year we did the LA Marathon for Ability First. We LOVE Ability First!!!!!!! This is an amazing place for special adults and kids like my sweet little Collin. Their motto is ....
Looking beyond disabilities
Focusing on capabilities
Expanding possibilities

We started our day off by meeting up with
friends and sharing some love!!!!
Regan did some jumping to get ready!

Then she did a little stretch/ posing! wink!

Then it was time to GOOOO!!!!!!

Collin was having a hard time from the start. So, he ended up on Daddy's shoulders. We took it nice and slow at his sweet little pace. Daddy carried Collin on his shoulders the entire 5K. What a wonderful Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regan took it easy and climbed into Collin's wheel chair and had PaPa push her most of the way. It is always wonderful to see all of the other Ability First families, friends, and employees working together for a common cause. It is inspiring to see a Down Syndrome man comfort his sweet girl friend with Down Syndrome as well telling her " You can do it sweetie!" To see Collin's buddies ,the employees of Ability First, come on their day off to raise funds and awareness for such an amazing facility!!!! It is heart warming as you watch a sweet little boy with obvious physical disabilities chasing after his Mommy and trying his hardest. Every year I walk away inspired, grateful, and so proud! I might not have riches to give but I know that By doing small acts of kindess we can do great things!!!!! Thank you all for your love and support! Until Next year!!!!

1 comment:

The Gray Family said...

I'm glad it went well! Regan in her poufy skirt just makes me laugh :>)