Today we took Great Grandma Jo to California Adventure. We went to some shows and had soup bowls for lunch. It was so much fun!

The Regan and Abbie started a Hip hop gymnastics class yesterday. They had a blast!!! Ballet is taking a break for a litttle bit... now they will be matching hip hop buddies!!!

Ok, so our week would never be complete with out a Collin crisis. Friday night Collin was crawling and feel and hit his mouth on our hard wood floors pushing his front two teeth up into his gums. It was very scary. I called my sister that is and ER nurse... didn't know what to do. Then I called a friend that is a dentist. He told me to call Collin's dentist's on call service. They called him in an atiboitic and we went into his office yesterday and things checked out good. His teeth are already coming down.

This is what happens when we are bored during the day and Collin is at school. Can you tell what her masks are??

Hi Julie, I dont think you remember me but I was in the singles ward with you and Jason for awhile. I found your blog through vicki zuniga and I love looking at your pictures of your cute family and enjoy reading your posts. You are an amazing mother and woman. You really inspire me by your srength and you patience. I can only imagine the strength it must take to raise a child with disablities and to see the pain that they go through but you seem to be doing such an amazing job. I hope all is well. I just wanted to say hi.
Julie Carr (rosenlof)
Hi!! I can't imagine how you came across my blog, but I am excited about it. You are the second person today that I "met" with a child with special needs! I love to interact with other mothers of children with special needs, no one can understand what you are going through than another mom of a special spirit. I took a minute to browse your blog and what came across to me is Collins big smile, it is present in 99% of the pictures on your blog, I love that!!!! You are now within my radar and I plan to keep up with your going ons--and maybe some stalking at times! :)
Hi Julie,
You don't know me but I grew ip with your husband Jason. We were in the same ward (5th ward) growing up. I often think about everyone from back then and wonder what they are doing now. I was so happy to find you a Jason on here. I actually found you guys through Vicki Zuniga as well. I am in her ward now. I just wanted to say you have an amazing family! I don't think Jason could have done better! You seem to be an amazing person, mother, and friend! Tell Jason Hi from me!
Mandi Titel (Bailey)
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