I love to look at the world through Collin’s perspective. Sometimes he reminds me to STOP and be grateful for things that I daily take for granted. I had a wonderful opportunity to go with Collin and his class on their field trip to the symphony the other day. I was not sure how it was going to go with him. Collin is profoundly deaf, not completely deaf, but profoundly deaf. Ok, now that we have that clarified I can move on. When we got into the beautiful hall and we were escorted to our special wheel chair access seats and all settled in. I began to think. Will Collin even enjoy this? Will I just have to take him out? What will this be like for “our” kids? Collin did not react to the warming up nor did he react to the first soft toned song. When it was time for a nice loud song with LOTS of base I was so excited to see a huge smile on his face. The acoustics in the hall were able to amplify the wonderful deep base tones to the point were Collin could here them. He raised his little hand and started moving it back and forth. Once I realized that he was trying to lead the music I quickly took his sweet little hand in mine as we moved them back and forth , up and down to the music. Then I heard a classmate of Collin’s behind me. Jose is a sweet little boy that is trapped in his body. He is unable to much at all. I looked back and to see him smiling so big and laughing with tears in his eyes. I could not help but get teary eyed myself.
Latter that night as I was replaying all of the sweet moments from the day in my mind. I couldn’t help but wonder what each of them must have been thinking. Each one of them had such an interest in the music. They smiled and reacted just like all of the other children in the packed hall BUT there was something in their eyes. Something that I didn’t see in the other children’s eyes. It was as if they were hearing music for the very first time. It was as if the amazing music coming out of all of the perfectly tuned instruments were just for them. It made me stop and think… Did I feel that when the music was played? Do I stop to listen to all of the sounds around me that most of these sweet children can not hear? I don’t ….I just go, go , go through out my day. Yes, I like to listen to the radio when I am driving but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the little things that are always there but I often take for granted. Collin’s laugh, Regan saying I love you mommy, the sound of the rain as it falls on my window, running feet on the pavement, the sound of Jason’s lips on mine when he kisses me good night, Collin’s snore at night, the sound Regan’s princess dress makes when she twirls around, the sound Collin‘s walker makes when he rams into a wall. There are so many things that I am so grateful to have the opportunity hear in my life. I am grateful for the sounds of life!! What sounds in are you grateful for in your life?????
I too am grateful for the opportunities that I have had to go with Calebs class to different places and experience things through their eyes. All I know is that there must be beautiful music in heaven because Caleb loves it too!
Wow, there are soo many sounds that I am thankful for! I am thankful that Heavenly Father allowed me to hear my baby cry for the first time at 1.5 week old and now the sound of his voice talking non-stop! I love the sound of Channing's laughter as he lays on the floor pushing his cars! My list could go on and on,so the most sound(s) I AM THANKFUL FOR, ARE EACH AND EVERY SOUND IN MY HOME BECAUSE IT ONLY MEANS THAT I STILL HAVE MY CHILDREN WITH ME AT HOME!!!!
Julie what a sweet post! I love that Collin was able to enjoy the music!
Julie, this made me teary eyed. Sometimes I have those ah-ha moments and realize just how blessed I really am. Thank you for this post.
I feel that way about my hair... Every since chemo, I still get exhilirated when I go swimming or feel the wind whip it around or get to pull a brush through it. It's interesting the wonderful sensations Heavenly Father has blessed us with that we take for granted. "When you change the way you look at things...", right? And music got me through cancer. There is something about it that is very healing to the soul.
I have just decited you need to write a book or something!!!!!! You just make me all teary eyed and you make me feel the spirit.
that is so sweet! Reading your blog always makes me so grateful for what I have. You have an amazing little guy there!
Another awesome inspired post!
Thank you for always snapping me back to reality and out of my self-absorbed world to realize how blessed I am. My life isn't that hard. I am so glad that the symphony made Collin happy. I love your little scrapbooking photo thing too, that was cute!
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