Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dear Daddy....

Dear Daddy,

It is your first Father’s Day without me and I know it will be hard. I have watched your cry so many times and want to remind you Daddy that it is because of you, my best buddy, that I had such a fun life. You and Mommy were told that I would most likely not make it to my first birthday and not to hold out much hope for my future, that I would be a vegetable. You and Mommy chose hope. You chose me! Thank you Daddy! I saw a lot of my sick friends who didn’t have Daddy’s… it was too hard for them and they hit the road… not my Daddy. Thank you Daddy! You helped me break the limits of my body by throwing me down the slip n slide, holding me in your arms in the bounce house, pushing my wheel chair fast so I could feel like I was running, carried me on your shoulders so that I could feel tall, held my hand at the doctors, took me swimming, sang to me, prayed for me… oh yes Daddy, I heard your prayers at night while you held me in your arms, took me on father son camp outs even though I know it was a lot of work for you, wiped away my tears when it hurt so bad, took me ice skating and let me watch the Zamboni over and over again, let me play call of duty with you and mess up your games, you took me on roller coasters when Mommy was to scared, you rocked me to sleep at night even when I was a twelve year old boy, you turned my walker into a hot air balloon for Halloween… who does that!?!?!... My Daddy! You came to my school and cheered for me at my fifth grade graduation like I had really accomplished something, you took me to ride the city bus, you held me up high so that I could reach the monkey bars, you would break me out of my room at the hospital and let me ride the elevators up and down, you changed my diapers and fed me for twelve years Daddy…. That it is love.

I know that today will be hard and you will miss me so much. So I got a little help from Mommy to remind you that you never wasted a single second with me. You are the best Daddy there has ever been…. I knew that when I picked you! I miss you too Daddy and can’t wait to tell you with words for the very first time how much I love you! I can’t wait to run into your arms! I have put in a good word for you here in Heaven Daddy and there is only one place that is good enough for a Dad like you… and that is right next to me.

Happy Father’s Day to the best Daddy that a little buddy has ever had!!

I love you Daddy!




Susan said...

What a beautiful letter for Jason's first Father's Day without his Bubba. I know it must have been hard, but everything in the letter points to the fact that Jason was the perfect daddy for Bubba to have for his short, but special, time here. Bubba was one lucky boy, all right! Prayers for your healing continue....

And I think "Anonymous" should get some human understanding and stop putting their content on blogs like yours. No one can figure out their faulty English, and no one with a conscience would do business with them anyway. I think, as the author, there's a way you can remove their comments.

Christine said...

What a great Daddy Bubba picked!

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness I was in tears after the first sentence. Beautiful post and I hope your hubby had a blessed Father's Day.