Monday, September 26, 2011


Grateful for our fun weekend.
Grateful for those wonderful memories that I clung to today.

Today was a hard one for our sweet Bubba.
Lots of seizures, cuddles, and wiping away tears.

Grateful for Great Grandma Jo that was happy to answer my frantic phone call....
"I need your help!!! bubba is seizing and I have to get Regan from school... I am on my way to your home, I will pick you up and have you get regan from her class while I stay in the car with Bubba and keep his airway open!!!"

Grateful for a wonderful Hubby that came home early from work to help.

Grateful for our sweet friend that knew that Bubba was having
a hard time and called tonight offering to take Regan to school tomorrow.

 something to be grateful for, even on hard days.


Rachel said...

Oh gosh.

Praying. For comfort and for healing from pain for your sweet boy. For sweet sleep and restoration and for renewal for both of you.

What a bond He forms out of hard things.

Continuing to pray and grateful for the ones who can hug and help in person.

sylviamyoung said...

Saying lots of prayers for Bubba and your entire family. You are such a wonderful strong Momma.

Foursons said...

I'm so sorry to hear that the day was so bad for Bubba. I pray for that little body to recover quickly and give him AND you some rest.