Tuesday, June 5, 2012

{tender mercies}

Last week we had a very hard day but some very sweet tender mercies that came along with it.

Bubba was scheduled for surgery on Thursday.

We ordered a "part" ...yes... a part from Bubba's home medical supplier.

We ordered this part well in advance and made the surgery date.

The first package came and it wasn't even close.. it was a cream.

Called.. complained... they agreed to send out the correct one and told me to keep the cream.

"it wasn't cost effective to pick it up."

The next package arrived and it was a similar part but not the right one.

{it was a g instead of a gj.}

Called... complained ... told them that the surgery was in two days and that they needed to fix it.. PLEASE!

"No problem Mrs. Presley... hold one moment please....................................................................................................................
............ Oh, we have a problem... that part is on back order."


Then I kindly expressed my frustration {without any bad words} and reminded her of THEIR errors and that I would not have scheduled the surgery if they had told me from the beginning that it was on back order.

"Yes... Yes.. Mrs. Presley I understand what can we do for you?"

"Ummm... you can FIX this.. I don't care what you have to do. My son is having surgery in two days and it is too late to cancel .. come on!"

In the meantime... while waiting for phone calls to be returned ....

I call the surgeons office and spoke with his nurse.

A nurse that is normally not very pleasant  but was VERY sweet and kind to me despite the threat to have to cancel Bubba's surgery 2 days before it was scheduled to take place.

At this point I am talking the managers and a sweet lady was able to order the part directly from Kimberly Clark and have it shipped to us the next day.

Wahoo... we were able to dodge a bullet.

Nurse calls back to let me know that they needed to push Bubba's surgery back...

it was scheduled for 9am and we would need to be at the hospital at 7 and she rescheduled the surgery for 11 having us arrive at 9am.

I didn't mind one bit and thanked her for being so understanding with my earlier frantic phone call.

The next day came and at 2pm the part had not arrived yet.

I called nice lady to touch base and see what time it would be arriving, I didn't want to miss it.

"Oh no Mrs. Presley..... we have a problem."

Not again!!!

"They did not ship out the part last night since they are on the east coast."

{let me remind you this is the DAY before his surgery.}

I let her know that I am NOT HAPPY {but again no bad language!!. woot woot!} and that she needed to FIX IT!

It was too late to cancel .....and it would be so rude to the surgeon.... AND it would leave us with a bill for not canceling.

She did what she needed to do and then told me that it would be arriving at 8:30 am on my front door step the next morning.

Ok, this is where the tender mercies hit me.

I got off the phone and cried, partly because of the emotional roller coaster of it all but mostly because I knew that God was aware of us and this trial.

This kind lady didn't have to be THAT kind.

She could have just said.. "I am sorry... we don't have it" but she didn't. {tender mercy}

The nurse that is typically not so nice was so sweet. {tender mercy}

The nurse calling to reschedule Bubba's surgery time making it just enough time for us to be home for the new delivery time and then rush out the door. {tender mercy}

All of the sweet family and friends that I was franticly texting asking for their prayers to make sure that it would arrive the next morning. {tender mercy}

I am so grateful for a loving God that knows me, that knows my trials.

He doesn't take our  trials away, he knows that we need them, but he makes sure to have his comfort felt as we endure ....with sweet tender mercies. ;)

The next morning he part arrived and we rushed out the door to get to the hospital in time.

The darn part!!!

After we arrived Bubba started vomitting and having BAD pain. :-(

We had to wait...... 
and wait ...... 
and wait for the drs. all to agree to go ahead with the surgery given his bad day.

After they all decided to go ahead with it they wheeled my sweet boy and his part off to surgery.

He did great!

and was perkin' up in no time!!!


even SMILES on the way home!!

I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father and for the sweet people that he uses as instruments in his hands.

I am grateful for sweet little tender mercies and the constant reminder that God knows ME and that he loves me!

Feeling blessed!!!

1 comment:

Susan said...

My heart breaks for the frustration and fear you continually face. My heart soars to know that everything worked out and that ol' Bubba smile we adore was back on his face after the surgery. Sending prayers up for a good stretch of happy days ahead, without those frustrations and fears!